Corporate Social Responsibility

Empowering a Sustainable Tomorrow

Employee Engagement & Volunteerism

Making a difference, one smile at a time. At ANAROCK, we believe that we are a community of people, and one small gesture can impact someone for a lifetime. Our team regularly spends time with various communities and does what it can bring joy to their lives.

Environmental Sustainability

A day well spent in nature, away from the bustling city chaos where our colleagues teamed up to plant trees across different regions of the country through our seed ball-making activity! We owe it to our planet to preserve its fruits of life and give back as much as we can.

We are powered by Inclusion

Inclusion is not a trend it is not a tick-box exercise! Our colleagues took it upon themselves to break down inclusivity in their own creative, quirky ways. A fun collaboration that speaks volumes about how inclusion is a necessity in all aspects of our lives.

Creating a Culture of Giving and Service

Making a positive impact

Blood donation drives
Activities for Support Staff and Site Labourers
Go–Green initiatives
Donation drives
Senior citizen activities
Activities for Children

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